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My journey

I have worked in the field of education for almost 20 years in a variety of countries, such as Spain, El Salvador, and Thailand. And in the last 10 years, I have focused on supporting others in their personal and professional development through coaching, training, consulting, and mindfulness mentoring.

I first discovered coaching and mindfulness in a moment of personal and professional crisis. Burned-out from my school director job and in the midst of a painful relationship ending, my ailing body and mind were screaming for change.

Now that I am over 10 years into my own change journey, I am a better coach, leader, partner, sister, and friend because of the steps that I have taken to prioritize my personal well-being. In this process, I developed skills in embodiment and emotional intelligence, both of which I found to be key factors in creating and maintaining sustainable change.

It is my belief and experience that healthy, whole, resilient individuals are better able to be leaders in their personal and professional lives.

As a coach, trainer, and teacher, it is my passion, joy, and calling to serve and support others in their own life processes of growth and change.

Top Strengths: Love of Learning, Leadership, Gratitude, Perspective, Creativity, and Honesty



  • Well-being

  • Mindfulness

  • Embodied Emotional Intelligence

  • Leadership

  • Teaching & Learning

  • Non-violent communication

  • Social and Emotional Learning

Summary of Qualifications

  • National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach

  • Certified SEL Facilitator - Breathe For Change

  • Certified Narrative Coach - Narrative Coaching

  • Hogan Assessment Certified - Hogan Assessment Systems

  • Positive Psychology & Well-being Certified Coach - College of Executive Coaching

  • Certified Evocative Coach - Center for School Transformation

  • Certified Emotionally Intelligent Leader - Weatherhead School of Business

  • Certified Mindfulness Teacher - Mindful Schools

  • Certified Yoga Teacher - Breathe for Change

  • M.Ed Education - The College of New Jersey