What clients are saying…


“Heather is a phenomenal coach who helped me navigate through a complicated time in my career. She helped me improve my confidence, recognize my value and strengthen relationships with my colleagues. In fact, I can say with confidence that learnings I brought back from my sessions with Heather permeated throughout the company.”

— Salimah Ismail

"If you are interested in being the best version of yourself that you can, in examining exactly how you would like to show up in the world on a daily basis and in taking practical steps towards these things then I wholeheartedly recommend having coaching sessions with Heather.

She has a wealth of knowledge and creates a safe atmosphere in which to explore priorities, techniques, behavioural patterns etc. without ever imposing her own opinions. I feel I benefitted immensely from her coaching, and now, having a toolkit of exercises and more clarity about what I want, I feel able to carry this work on. Plus, the whole process was approached with warmth and humour!"

— Katie Wood


After five sessions with Heather I feel like something quite profound has shifted inside me. Its not that I magically turned into Super woman but that I know I am capable of the adjustments needed to make changes to build on what I have already achieved. I learned its not all about will power but that a change in perspective can illuminate a new gentler path.

— Natasha Frost


"My coaching sessions with Heather helped me to see things from a totally different perspective. No matter what the situation, work or personal, big or small, positive or negative, having the tools to see it from different viewpoints helped me to manage them better. Heather was always very present and professional. I never felt judged or pushed in any way whatsoever. I would highly recommend her to anyone."

— Jocelyn


"Heather has helped me with challenges that I thought were insurmountable. With her help, I see life from a different perspective. I have a much more positive outlook on dealing with my anxieties and lack of self-compassion. She's also provided valuable resources to help and support me in my personal and professional life. I admire how passionate she is about helping others and I see her as a role model."

— Kyra