

about the coaching process

As a coach, I work as a curious collaborator to support individuals to ‘show up’ in the world in the way they want to. Whether it be in their personal or professional lives, the coaching work is done in a non-judgmental, experimental space to pursue a client’s goals and aspirations in well-being and leadership together.

Often times moving through life transitions and change entails developing a 'respond-ability' to change, so the coaching process grows a client’s self-awareness of patterns in thinking, emotions, and behaviors. In an embodied and mindful approach, we look at the mind-body to both understand the current self and practice towards new way of being in the client’s ideal self.

By establishing choice and greater capacity for intentional change, clients transform to have a deeper quality of aliveness and well-being in their lives, and become leaders for themselves, their loved ones, and their communities.

Awareness creates choice. Practice builds capacity
— Amanda Blake

Coaching Format

The coaching process done online using the platform Zoom in 50 - 60 minutes per session. The initial coaching package is a minimum of 5 sessions to start, with some clients continuing on after depending on the nature of their goals and aspirations.

Initial consultation

If you are interested in coaching, we will have an initial intake call to establish the coaching relationship, define the coaching process, clarify your goals, and determine how to move forward.

Please complete the contact form or email your inquiry directly to:


Coaching certifications

National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBC - HWC)

Positive Psychology & Well-being Coach, College of Executive Coaching

Narrative Coach, Narrative Coaching

Leadership and Resilience Coach (CLRC), BlueRio Strategies

Evocative Coach, Center for School Transformation    


Coaching assessments

Hogan Assessment, Hogan Assessment Systems

VAL Assessment & Golden Personality Profiler, Golden LLC

Style Matters: Conflict Style Inventory, Riverhouse ePress