
Introduction to Mindfulness

Join me for a five week, experiential course on mindfulness and learn how mindfulness can help you become more present for each moment in your life and strengthen your ability to understand and manage emotions.

This program is free of charge. By participating in this course, you will help Heather complete UC Berkeley and Greater Good Science Center’s two-year Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program. I am looking for 6 - 8 participants.

Course logistics & REgistration

Date: 5 consecutive Sundays, November 1st to November 29th

Time: 10:00 am est - 11:30 am est

Registration: complete the survey below to sign up by Friday, October 30th

Location: all sessions are conducted via Zoom


more about the introductory course

Drawing upon the work of mindfulness teachers, psychologists, and neuroscientists, this course will provide down-to-earth information on how mindfulness “works” in our brains and our bodies and the many ways in which it can be helpful in our lives. We will also look at what it means to practice mindfulness both informally and formally, and how to establish a consistent practice.

share, practice, connect, and learn about the following:

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness of Breath & Body

Mindfulness of Thoughts & Emotions

The Art of Practice


Transform your presence to connect with your inner knowing and calmness, leading to self-mastery.


about my mindfulness journey

I began meditating in 2012 during a difficult relationship ending. Mindfulness supported me in this challenging time and helped me become more present in my life and connected to myself, others, and my inner resilience. Now almost nine years later, mindfulness has become the most valuable daily practice of my life, and has supported me over the years in everything from maintaining healthy sleep and eating patterns to developing self awareness and emotional intelligence. After several years of practicing, I also became a certified Mindfulness Teacher through Mindful Schools for children and teenagers. One of my greatest joys was teaching a year-long Mindfulness program at an international kindergarten and pre-school in Bangkok, Thailand in 2018. Currently, I am in my second year in the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher program studying with the inspiring teachers Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield, and with my wise and talented mentor, Kaira Jewel Lingo. I am looking forward to teaching this Introduction to Mindfulness course as part of my final practicum requirements.

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